“Audrie & Daisy” Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion
Screening and discussion of documentary “Audrie & Daisy,” an urgent real-life drama that examines the ripple effects on families, friends, schools and communities when two underage young women find that sexual assault crimes against them have been caught on camera.
Strides for Survivors – 5K Run/Walk/Roll
Virtual Closing Ceremony – Saturday, April 30, 12 PM / StridesforSurvivorsSPHP.org
We invite you to participate throughout National Crime Victim’s Rights Week in our virtual 5K to raise awareness about sexual assault, physical violence and other crimes that impact our community.
This is an excellent opportunity to run, walk, or roll for a good cause – with beginners and experts equally welcome.
You can run, walk, or roll for 5K (3.1miles) anywhere you want, any time.
Snap pictures or video of your run/walk/roll, or pose with the medal we send you at the end of April!
Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook (@StPeter’sCrimeVictimServices) and hashtag (#StridesForSurvivors #SPCVSSAAM)!
Information Sessions
April 6 / 12 PM
Volunteer Program
April 13 / 6 PM
Erin’s Law and Personal Safety
April 20 / 2 PM
STD Awareness and Resources
April 27 / 6 PM
Navigating the Office of Victim Services